39.7 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Hiring event until 5 p.m. today at Charter Automotive

January 19, 2022 – West Bend/Jackson/Hartford, WI — There is still time to drop in on the Job Fair at Charter Automotive, 7850 N. 81st St., Milwaukee, WI. The event runs until 5 p.m. today.

Bring a resume if you have one. You’ll receive a tour and interview on-site.

Charter Automotive is targeting people for the event from Washington County in particular.

It’s a short 30-minute drive from West Bend, Jackson and Hartford.


  • It’s not the exact same thing every day, and there are a lot of challenges I get to overcome. I started as a Machine Operator, I’m now a Machine Set-Up. There is always opportunity cross-train in other areas, other departments. – Ray, Machine Set-Up


  • In the past four years of my apprenticeship, I have definitely seen and accomplished a lot.  I’ve seen growth in not only myself, but in my craftsmanship as a future journeyman. – Sean, Tool Room Apprentice


  • When I first started at Charter Manufacturing, I didn’t understand how special it was. But after a couple of months. I was all in.  I knew that this is where I would be retiring. It’s more than just a benefit package. It’s more than just the job that you come to every day. It is the engagement and the culture that keeps me coming back. – Chris, Production Lead


  • What I think makes Charter a special place to work is their One Family One Team model. It truly is difficult to find a place to work these days that offer the things that Charter offers and have the values that even the management teams believe in. Everybody is somewhat special to everybody else. – Jim, Maintenance


  • One family, one team means for me to feel appreciated. – Faviola, Machine Operator
  • When we talk about investments that go back into the business, I can talk about capital investments into the equipment or acquisitions or other businesses, but I think the most valuable one would be the investment in the people. I think it’s the training. I think it’s the desire to help people grow and see their potential within the company. Chris, Line Operator

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