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West Bend

VIDEO | Celebrating 50th anniversary at Samaritan Campus and opening of 1993 time capsule


May 31, 2018 – West Bend, WI – A celebration today of the 50th anniversary of the Samaritan Campus in West Bend.

Guest speakers included Washington County Administrator Joshua Schoemann.

“One of county’s key priorities is having different programs that provide access to basic needs for our residents and I can’t think of a better organization that does just that,” he said. “The work they do is extremely important and we’re appreciative of it.”

Schoemann stressed the great compassion the employees have for the residents at the Samaritan.

Washington County Board Chairman Donald A. Kriefall then read a proclamation that saluted the 131 residents at the Samaritan Health Center and the 50 year anniversary of the campus.

Cycling Without Age and Bike Friendly West Bend were praised for encouraging a partnership and healthy climate with senior citizens in the community.

The day’s celebration was highlighted by the opening of a time capsule that was tucked away May 14, 1993.


The 25-year-old time capsule was kept in the storeroom at the Samaritan. Mary Thiemer said it was intentional “because the one we buried before under the flag pole leaked and ruined all the contents.”

Once opened the time capsule revealed stories from the past included an active employment list from the Samaritan Health Center, a four-generation photo, a letter from May 14, 1993 about licensed social workers, 29 cents was taped to an orange piece of paper indicating how much a stamp cost in 1993. There was also a gift certificate for the beauty shop from Mary Ellen Sadownikow.

Another special moment at the celebration included rickshaw rides for folks at the Samaritan.

Gerry Kasik, 80, was treated to a spin around the parking lot. “Ohhhh this was great,” she said. “I like this weather.”

Kasik grew up in Milwaukee and remembered bicycling with her friends. “We all went together. There were about 30 kids on our block and we all took our bikes and went to the pool,” she said. “My bike was blue; nothing fancy but a nice big two wheeler.”

Carrie Jeffords was one of the bike pilots. She said all her customers really loved the ride.

“One woman said the only time she gets out is to go to the doctor and she really appreciated the ride,” said Jeffords. “They all said it was too short and they wanted to stay out longer.”

On a personal note: This summer’s Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s will be raising funds for a second rickshaw for the Samaritan Health Center. Our goal is $10,000 and we will be selling bicycle license plates. Businesses and neighbors can sponsor a plate with their name or company logo. While on the tour my niece Audrey and I will send you a post card from the road and after the tour is over we’ll autograph the license plate and give it back to you as a memento from the adventure.

Checks can be made to “Samaritan Campus” and mailed to 531 E. Washington Street, West Bend, WI 53095. All donations are tax deductible. Be sure to mark the FEIN number on your check 396005754.

100-percent of the money raised will be donated to Samaritan Campus.  This year’s tour will take us to Whitefish Point, Michigan and the Shipwreck Museum. The 3-week tour leaves June 30.


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