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VIDEO | Celebrating 34th annual Washington County Breakfast on the Farm

June 14, 2022 – Washington Co., WI – The 34th annual Washington County Breakfast on the Farm was a phenomenal success as thousands of people flocked to Dornacker Prairie Acers to take part in a downhome breakfast followed by a tour of a locally owned robotic dairy farm.

Families turned out in droves and were well rewarded with dozens of hands-on activities including climbing on a tractor or inside a fire truck, holding live baby chicks, petting a calf, and using a simulator to milk a cow by hand.

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Breakfast on the Farm

Breakfast on the Farm

Dairy Queen Cake

Breakfast on the Farm

There was also pancakes, chocolate milk, barn tours, music, and tractors… lots of tractors.

tractor breakfast 34th

Breakfast on the Farm

Breakfast on the Farm


Below is a live broadcast from the 2022 Washington County Breakfast on the Farm.

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