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West Bend

VIDEO | Casey’s General Store moves into West Bend


Nov. 27, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Casey’s General Store is moving into West Bend.

Earlier this month WashingtonCountyInsider.com posted a story about how brothers Steve and Mark Gall have sold seven of their Tri-Par gas stations in Washington, Ozaukee, Dodge and Sheboygan Counties to Casey’s General Store.

Casey's General Store


On Tuesday morning the new signage was spotted being lifted into place at the former Tri-Par on County Highway P on the south end of West Bend.

“It’s bittersweet,” said owner Steve Gall, 56. “We think it’s a good fit for our 95 employees. They’re taking all seven stores and keeping all seven stores open until they’re remodeled.  I think we did the best we could.”




The Gall stores that sold to Casey’s General Store include the Tri Par on Highway P and Mile View Road in West Bend, Highway 60 in Slinger, Highway 33 in Newburg, Hustisford, Cedarburg, Highway 33 in Saukville and Random Lake.

“Casey’s approached us and some other people approached us,” Gall said.  “It wasn’t ideal timing because my brother and I are fairly young yet but it just seemed like it was time.”

Casey’s General Store has a signature look with a red shingle top and yellow-and-black signage. “I’m sure some of the stores they’ll remodel and others they will rebuild,” said Gall.

Casey's General Store



Gall, 56, said customer reaction has been mixed. “People don’t like change,” he said.

Casey’s is making a wave of acquisitions quickly across the state.

In January 2018 reporter Samantha Sali broke the story about Casey’s General Store a development in Hartford. That store on the corner of Highway 60 and Liberty Avenue received approval from the Hartford Plan Commission.

Currently Casey’s General Store has over 2,000 locations. The company has made a name for itself with “clean stores and friendly employees who pride themselves in customer service.”


Gall said the sale of the seven Tri-Par locations will close at the end of November.




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