46.1 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Barton working on Christmas tree display

Sept. 27, 2018 – Barton, WI – A lively meeting of the Barton Historical Society this week. Eileen Eckert led an informative session on the history of the brewing industry in West Bend and Barton. She talked about how local farmers helped by providing the hops and grain.

Several stories were shared by members of the audience regarding “spill over,” prohibition and the limited production of Black Pride, a beer originally designed to appeal to African Americans.

Jeff Slais spoke before the main presentation about an effort to plant Christmas trees in Overlook Park, just to the south of Rally Time Sports Bar, and plant a tree in downtown Barton by the Eisenbahn State Trail.  Trees are being donated by West Bend Elevator and Bink Steinbach.

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