39.7 F
West Bend

American Companies season of giving | By Christa Weindorf

January 20, 2022 – West Bend, WI – Over the winter, American Companies split up into teams to collect donations for the local food pantry and participate in a penny war. The winning team comprised of: Konstantyn Sadownikow, Scott Kintopf, Todd Weyker, and Zach Finer decided the $500 raised from the penny war would go to Family Promise. A check was presented this week.
donation Family Promise
Over the past month, American Construction Services and American Architectural Group had a fiercely competitive team-building activity with the goal of supporting the community.

There was a total of 6 teams made up between the companies with a variety of tasks to complete to win the competition.

It brought the architecture, management, sales, compliance, administration, and site tech employees together to compete for not only bragging rights, but to decide what community programs would benefit from funds raised.

American Companies also collected a total of 2,163 food items that are being donated to the Full Shelf Food Pantry in West Bend.

American donations

American Companies hopes these donations will help local families during these trying winter months and encourages other local area businesses to collect/ donate what they can to help spread holiday cheer.

American Commercial Real Estate


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