West Bend, WI – It was August 26 of 2022 and Margaret Krebs turned 100 years old and by the skin of her teeth she just completed one of the final goals on her bucket list: working at a hardware store. Margaret just celebrated 102. Help wish her a happy birthday.
Mike at Neu’s Hardware, N95W16915 Falls Pkwy, in Menomonee Falls and his team helped make the wish official by outfitting Margaret with a Neu’s apron (with her name on it) and getting her set behind the cash register at checkout.
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“You know how we checked out years ago,” said Margaret. “We wrote it on a piece of paper.”
Michelle Neu, company vice president, could relate. “When my grandfather started this business 75 years ago that’s how it was,” she said. “They had just a cash register with a crank wheel. I think we still have one of those in the basement somewhere.”
Margaret grew up on a farm in St. Lawrence, WI. “That was one thing I always wanted to do was work at a hardware store. I don’t know why…. but here I am,” she said.
Margaret remembered going to Kirsch Hardware store to pick up a bolt or a nail from Herb or Tony Kirsch. “The store was about a mile from home,” she said. “We never got any treats… just what we needed, paint or nails.
“When checking out they wrote everything on a little paper, and they duplicated it. You got one piece, and they kept the other.”
Neu’s Hardware has a storied history as well starting in 1945. Click HERE to read more.
Granddaughter Tiffany Bando was the force behind making Margaret’s wish come true. “I was on the phone with her about a month ago and I asked her if at 100 years old she had any regrets and she said she didn’t get to work in a hardware store,” said Bando. “I was just blown away that it wasn’t about exotic travel or anything huge, it was something so simple and I thought we could make this happen.”
Bando reached out to Neu’s Hardware. “They were so kind and welcoming and here we are, making her dream come true.”
“I hear you’re the new girl,” said Bill, a Neu’s employee as he arrived for work.
Margaret shook his hand and said, “Yes…. welcome to Neu’s.”
Then things got busy, and Margaret had to get to work checking out customers and their purchases.
Armed with a scanner gun and some advice from her great grandchildren Margaret rang up her first sale.
“Just beep the lines,” said her youngest great grandson.
“I do what,” questioned Margaret as a beep sounded.
“Good job great grandma,” said the boy.
“That’ll be $3.05. Do you want your receipt in a bag,” asked Margaret. “There you are. Thanks for shopping at Neu’s.”
Margaret (Walter) Krebs was born August 26, 1922. She grew up in Loyal, WI, alongside six sisters and two brothers.