51 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s – Stunning Salina, KS

Selina, Kansas – Pedaling from Lindsborg, KS to Abilene, KS was furnace hot. The heat index was 110 and I made a quick stop for a Fla-vor-ice. Sitting outside a small roadside market a man pulled up on his motorcycle and said. “You’re skinnier, but mine is easier.

As I coasted into Selina, KS the artwork and appreciation for history are definitely a part of the fabric of this community.

The silo paintings by Guido van Helten from Australia, are particularly stunning. Known as “Mural at the Mill” the project encompasses four sides of the H.D. Lee Flour Mill located on the far north side of North Santa Fe Avenue.

Van Helten’s work is part of the Salina Kansas Project which began in October 2021.


According to an article by Charles Rankin in the Salina Journal, the Salina Kanvas Project was designed to bolster business opportunities.

Van Helten’s piece in particular was inspired by the family atmosphere in Salina. The image is a collage of photos taken by….  Click HERE to read more at thebikewriter.com

Tidbits from the tour:

Impressive to see Kansas show it’s American spirit..


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