26 F
West Bend

Upcoming events at VFW Post 1393 in West Bend, WI

West Bend, Wi – On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, the VFW Post 1393 in West Bend, WI, is hosting its only Burger Night for the month of December; it will still feature the Post’s well-known burgers. There will also be a special Ham Holiday Dinner featuring hot ham, cheesy hash browns, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, and dessert all for $12.

Saturday, December 14 – The VFW Auxiliary will be having a Free Breakfast with Santa
from 9 a.m. till 11a.m.

The free breakfast will include scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, donuts, coffee, milk, & juice. Bring the kids and cameras and have them sit and visit with Santa.

Updating VFW events that occurred in the last few weeks

On behalf of the VFW, we would like to thank all the people that participated in our last month Burger/Veterans Day/Thanksgiving Day event where we had a great turnout. We gave out 37 free turkey dinners to Veterans and between the Post and individual donations, we collected over $500 for the Fisher House at VA Hospital in Milwaukee.

VFW Post 1393 hosted the annual Bicycle Santa Rampage for the second year on Sunday, December 1 for an hour and a half. We received great feedback on how we were able to accommodate over 100 costume Santas, elves, and reindeers by supplying them with free sandwiches and snacks for their long journey throughout the day.

Last but not least, on behalf of the VFW, Post 1393, we would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year.

Stop in for a beverage during the Holidays and enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable crowd at our bar which is open to the public, all year round.

Our halls are available to rent all year. Just call 262-334-9190 for further information.

Most of all this year, check out our real Christmas tree in our hall donated by PMF Landscaping and Supply located on River Road, West Bend.

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