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VIDEO | Commendation for veteran James Maersch

November 11, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – Veterans across the country are being recognized today for their service and sacrifice. At the Old Courthouse Square in West Bend veteran James Maersch was recognized for the quiet dedication he has had to make things better in his community.

“I work for the Lord,” he said. “I was told when I was younger that you’re supposed to be thinking about doing things that help and going out there and lending a hand when it is needed.”

Maersch was drafted when he was 17 years old. He joined the naval reserve when he was in high school and the Navy got a hold of him and after high school he was shipped immediately to Washington D.C. and out to duty.

James Maersch veteran

“I was communications radio man,” he said. “I was assigned to 15 different ships and seven schools, overseas and Hawaii.”

Maersch served in the U.S. Navy from 1953 – 1989.

Commendation for James Maersch

When Maersch was discharged from service he returned to West Bend and worked as a teacher in the public school district.

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As far as the commendation, Maersch said he is humbled. “You don’t expect things like this,” he said. “I just try to do things and not let people know who did them.”

The commendation recognized Maersch for “supporting patriotism, Americanism

, veterans issues and community building.”

Maersch is a member of American Legion Post 36.

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