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Vandalism at Union Cemetery on Cedar Street in Hartford, WI

November 13, 2021 – Hartford, WI – Hartford Police are looking for help in connection with vandalism that occurred early Saturday morning, November 13, 2021 at Union Cemetery on Cedar Street in Hartford, WI.

Rex Melius, who runs a community service group called Cemeterians, said he drove past the cemetery around 11:30 a.m. and noticed the damage right away.

“Right now we know nine headstones have been tipped over on the south side of the cemetery,” said Melius. “One of the headstones is pretty new; it has only been up about two years.

flag, cemetery

“US flags have also been snapped off from veterans stones and historic stones, even two children’s headstones have been damaged.”

Melius said the size of some of the stones is considerable. “This is going to be big bucks to fix,” he said.

Police have really good surveillance photos and they will be posting those shortly.

Early word is the vandalism occurred around 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Police are also following up on reports about attempts to enter several vehicles in the area.

“This is debilitating because of the restoration work we’ve done in the cemetery the last four years,” said Melius. “Then you have someone come along and take all that away.

“This is the second oldest cemetery in Hartford, WI and there are 99 Civil War veterans buried here. There are also people buried here from the War of 1812 and the Spanish American War.

“Not only is the person responsible destroying headstones but they are also destroying history,” Melius said.

UPDATE: Click HERE for a video of a person of interest police are looking to speak with. If you have any information please contact Hartford Police at 262-673-2600.

This is a working story and more information will be posted when details become available.

Photos courtesy Rex Melius

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