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West Bend

Three values my mom instilled in me by American Construction Services

May 9, 2021 – West Bend, WI – As a tribute to moms this Mother’s Day the team at American Construction Services submitted three values they learned from their mom.

Kraig Sadownikow, pictured with mom Mary Ellen Sadowniokw and dad Konstantyn Sadownikow.


  1. Liberty, Freedom, Personal Responsibility.
  2. Work Hard, Have Fun, Love your Family.
  3. The people who trust others the least are often the least trustworthy themselves.

Christa Weindorf pictured with mom Donette Lambert.

1.) Be Humble, Honest, and Hardworking

2.) Appreciate Family- You can always make more money, but not more time

3.) Always look people in the eye, it will tell you everything you need to know about them

Emily Liddicoat, three values that my mother instilled in me: Faith, Enjoy the moment, time goes fast. A mother’s love is unconditional.


Ronnie, Mari, Isabel, & Ruth Sadownikow: Three values their parents, Kraig & Jo Sadownikow, instilled in them

  1. Honesty
  2. Leadership
  3. Dedicated

American Commercial Real Estate
American Commercial Real Estate

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