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West Bend

UW-WC’s Festival of Arts is Saturday, April 8. Click HERE to see a full list of winners!

March 28, 2017 – West Bend, WI – UW-Washington County’s annual Festival of Arts is Saturday, April 8  from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Over 350 pieces of student art from 24 area middle and high schools will be on display.

Judging is completed and High School best of show award went to Abby Ford, a junior at Slinger High School for her drawing.

Joscelynn Clark, an 8th grade student at Badger Middle School was awarded best in show for middle school for her 3-D entry.

The Festival also includes workshops by Schauer Arts Center and Kohl’s Color Wheels, a farmers’ market and Artists Marketplace with over 50 Wisconsin artists represented with one-of-a-kind original works for sale.

All proceeds support scholarships for UW-WC students. The event is sponsored by Commerce State Bank and Zimmerman Architectural Studios.

Tickets are $2 for adults, $1 for students and children under 12 are free.

A complete list of student winners and more information is below.

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