54.1 F
West Bend

UW-WC presents The Black Market Trust on Dec. 8

Washington Co., WI – The Black Market Trust’s musical roots run deep, as true artists, the members of the group channeled their inspiration into a sound all their own.

The five members of The Black Market Trust, Jeffrey Scott Radaich, Chris Irwin, Brian Netzley, Brandon Laws and Nick Coventry original in the style of Jamaican Rocksteady, showcases the group’s lyric writing ability and wide range.

The cohesion and communication that developed through their many performances together shines through, and makes for a compelling listening experience.

The live performances are a hallmark of the group and they continue to perform live as much as possible to get a chance to interact with their fans.

Click HERE to purchase tickets.


Black Market Trust

The Black Market Trust combines the sounds of the great American crooners with the romantic Eastern European gypsy jazz guitarists. These five world-class musicians create a sound that is daring, fresh and innovative!

Their genre bending and blending includes 2 guitars, violin, bass and drums and features 3-part vocal harmonies, lead vocals as well as instrumentals.


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