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Utilities, parks, road projects moving forward; Hwy 60 upgrade plans being finalized | By Jen Keller

Jackson, WI – The Jackson Street and Parks Department Crew has completed mowing, ballfield prep, addressed equipment maintenance needs, and completed weed trimming. Street trees are scheduled for planting next week.
The Jackson Water Utility Crew continued working on requests for locates and meter changeouts. Water and Sewer bills were calculated this week with only eight (8) meters not reading properly. The crew is turning valves located along Hwy 60 (Main Street) to determine what needs replacement during next year’s Hwy 60 Utility Upgrade Project. A service line leak was discovered on Woodland Trail. The leak is Utility side, and repair is scheduled for next Tuesday, July 12, 2022.
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Second interviews are being conducted for the open Water Operator position.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant Crew commenced work on the replacement of storm sewer piping at the old Village Hall site on Main Street and a drainage area starting on the west side of South Center Street. The existing corrugated metal sustained damage and had many holes. The new pipe is concrete. The ditch area to the east of the pipe needed overgrown vegetation removed. Lastly, a catch basin was repaired on North Center
Street and is ready for paving.
Staff met with engineers from Gremmer & Associates regarding the Hwy 60 Utility Upgrade Project. Plans are being finalized and will now require input from WisDOT. The utility project schedule includes bidding and Board review for approval this fall.
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