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West Bend

Update on the successful recovery of Josh Petty


June 15, 2018 – West Bend, WI – It was February 2018 when we first brought you the story of a young West Bend man, Josh Petty, who was in Froedert Hospital with flu-like symptoms.

His sister Ashlee wrote: The Dr ordered that Josh be hooked up to a EEG machine to monitor his brain activity because Josh is not responding to commands. And he is not sedated in any way at this time. I have seen him grimace and clench his eyes shut as the nurse does things that he isn’t crazy about.

After months of speculation and prayer, rehab and revitalization we check in with the Josh Petty family. A June 2 post on Facebook:


I am so lucky to be standing where I am today and it’s all because of every single one you. I am so thankful for all of the amazing support I have gotten through this whole process. You guys have pushed me and motivated me so much and I’m so grateful for it. I know that with my determination and all of yours support I will be able to get back to my normal everyday self and this will all just be a life experience that I will be able to look back on and remember to take nothing for granted and to always live life to the fullest. Again thank you for everything and trust me, I Got This. Support Josh Petty


It was May 19, 2018 when we caught up to Josh at the downtown West Bend Farmers’ Market.

Click HERE for more stories on Josh Petty and the power of prayer.


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