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West Bend

VIDEO | Josh Petty says ‘Thanks for the prayers and support’


May 20, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Ran into Josh Petty, 22, at the Downtown West Bend Farmers’ Market on Saturday and took the opportunity to pass along what an inspiration he has been with how he battled his health issue.

His parents were by his side. What great family support. Josh then offered a note of ‘thanks’ to all the people who have prayed for him and offered words of encouragement.



May 19, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Monday night, May 7, day 86. Josh has officially been out of the hospital longer than he was in it. He thought that he would be close to 100 percent by now. Instead he is realizing that the muscle and the range of motion is not even close yet.

The wound care is still an issue. A few days ago he was noticing some pain in one of his wounds. He also noticed it was draining more than normal. Yep, he had it checked and they called this morning and told him to pick up an antibiotic.

The wound is infected. We are not sure how or why. Anyway he is on the antibiotic and now we just make sure there is no fever. He had a nice day out yesterday and got a lot of walking in

We took him to a small town near by and he walked up and down the main street. It’s a bit of a tourist town so there was plenty of benches and seats for him to rest when he needed it. I think he enjoyed the sun.


Today he went to the gym for the first time. He was working upper body. He tells me it’s actually not as bad as he thought it would be. The lower body will be his biggest challenge. The more he walks and stretches the left ankle the better it should feel.

He is confident he will get there, it’s just going to take some time.
Come on Josh, you got this.


April 25, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Several people have requested an update on Josh Petty. He was the young man that went into the hospital several months ago with flu-like symptoms and then gave everyone a scare as his health began to severely decline.

His parents prayed for support and the community responded. Josh is now home. He celebrated his 22nd birthday this past week and according to note from his parents (posted below) he is definitely getting stronger but his recovery is expected to take a while.

Josh you got this!

April 24, 2018 – Tuesday evening, day 73. Looks like Josh might have over done it this weekend. He was pretty tired all day yesterday and kind of grumpy last night. He could only say that he was not having a good day. Today has been a little better for him. The bottom of his feet are still very sensitive and the skin is like baby skin. He actually had a blister on the bottom of his big toe from using the clutch in his car so much Sunday. Hopefully that sensitivity will go away in time. Josh got a package yesterday from his high school baseball team. He was surprised to find his #5 jersey from his senior year in it. Also the check from the alumni game proceeds. We are so thankful to be a part of the Bulldog baseball family and Josh is looking forward to playing in this game next year. Thank you, C.J.
Come on Josh, You got this.


April 22, 2018 – Sunday evening, day 71. Josh has been busy this weekend. We would like to thank everyone for the birthday cards and even a few gifts. Josh has enjoyed them all. He has been working on driving and doing really good. The car club that he belongs to had a cruise today that ended at the car show opener at our local fair grounds. I decided to go with him so he could get some driving practice. I thought I could take over in case his leg or body got tired. As it turned out, that never happened. He loves to drive that car. He is no longer having to wrap either leg unless he feels that they are swelling. So far so good. His walking is looking better. It still does not look natural yet, but it is getting better. Josh is getting stronger every day but has really hit a point where his recovery is slower to see change. He is planning on going back to the gym some next week to see if he can make some gains that way. He has a light week with PT down to 2 days a week. It is really getting tough to find stuff to update about. I will send stuff out as we get information or progress that warrants it.
Come on Josh, You got this.


April 16, 2018 – Monday evening, day 65. I had skipped posting for a few days because there has not been a lot going on. I did take Josh to his lymphodema appointment this morning. The right leg is done with the lymphodema treatment unless he starts to feel fluid come back. The left leg is getting better but he still has to sleep with it in a compression wrap and wear it as long as he can during the day. They want him to take it off during the evening and try to get some ankle movement while it’s off. He was walking some laps with it off earlier. He was trying to make me feel good yesterday by telling me that he wishes he could snow blow for me. (Ya, right)

I told him that I will remember that. Heck, at this rate he may still get his chance this spring.


April 14, 2018 – Post by Josh’s mother: I want to start off by thanking each and everyone of you for continuing to follow my son’s journey the last two months. Next I want you all to know we could not have made it through this with out your prayers and support you have all been so wonderful.

My son has been so strong through all of this,but I know he has days that all of this is just to much. He is a fighter and I know he will not give up. He will get his old life back, he will continue to battle for that.

Josh will be turning 22 this Friday on the 20th.
His dad and I are having a really hard time trying to figure out what to do or get for him. I’m sure we will come up with something. Lol

Since you have all been a part of our lives and really feel like family to us. If any one wants to send Josh a birthday card I think it will brighten his spirits.

Josh Petty
6891 Beck Ln.
West Bend WI 53090

PS. For all people following from warmer states please send us some of your warm temperatures. We’re looking at a high of 35 this weekend with rain, sleet, ice and 2-5 inches of snow. Boy how I miss Missouri weather this time of year. Lol


For more stories on Josh Petty click HERE.


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