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UPDATE: Dodge Co. releases more information on investigation of man found dead in cabin in Reeseville

dodge county sheriff

The individual who was found deceased in the cabin was James S. Greevers Jr., 46 years old, Milwaukee.  His father, James S. Greevers Sr., 69 years old, Milwaukee, remains hospitalized.  The cabin is located on River Oaks Road in the Township of Portland, rural Reeseville.  The Sheriff’s Office extends our sympathies to the families and friends of the Greevers’ and our hope for a full recovery of James Sr.  The incident remains under the investigation by the Medical Examiner’s Office.

Death Investigation

On Monday evening, November 21, 2016, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office received a call to check on the welfare of two males who were staying at a cabin in rural Reeseville (southwest Dodge County).  A family member of the two men reported the men were overdue to return home to Milwaukee from a weekend deer hunting trip and the family was unable to reach either man by phone.

Responding deputies did not receive a response when knocking at the door, but were able to observe through a window one of the men on the floor unresponsive.  Deputies requested EMS and forced entry into the cabin and found one male deceased and the other with a potential life-threatening medical problem.  The surviving man was transported by paramedics to a nearby hospital, and later transferred to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Madison, WI.  The condition of that man as of this release is not known.

The Dodge County Medical Examiner is investigating the death with the Sheriff’s Office.   A cause has not been definitively determined, but carbon monoxide and other environmental causes are being investigated.  The deceased male was a 46 year old man from Milwaukee.  The man who was transported by EMS was the 69 year old father of that man, also of Milwaukee.  Names and the specific location of the incident are being withheld at this time pending notification of relatives and security of the cabin due to the forced entry.  An updated press release will be disseminated with names when appropriate.  Assisting agencies include the Dodge County Medical Examiner, Waterloo Fire and EMS, Lifestar Paramedics, and the Reeseville, Lowell, and Clyman Fire Departments.

For additional information please contact Sheriff Dale Schmidt.

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