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West Bend

United Way of Washington County rallies community to give $200K to reach goal | By Kristin Brandner

West Bend, WI – With just a few weeks left in the annual United Way of Washington County campaign, officials are asking the community to give and raise an additional $200,000 to achieve the goal.

United Way

“Now, more than ever, local nonprofit programs need United Way’s support to address growing community issues like mental health, addiction, hunger and homelessness.  That is why we set an ambitious campaign goal of $1.8M to help more Washington County residents receive the services they need,” said Allen Ericson, Team Froedtert campaign co-chair. “To reach this goal, it is going to take a united effort of support. Every $25, $50, $250, $500 and $2,500 gift matters.”

With the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions in the workplace and labor shortage, United Way’s staple giving stream of workplace giving has garnered mixed results. Individuals giving directly to United Way has grown tremendously. United Way is extending its outreach to build on that success.

“One of the greatest benefits of giving to the United Way campaign is that your donation stays local and helps your family, friends, and neighbors. As the needs in the community continue to grow, consider joining Team Froedtert to be part of the solution,” said Shelly Waala, Team Froedtert campaign co-chair. “Your one donation supports over 20 local programs, which amplifies your giving across many critical issues. When your gift combines with others, you can do more than any single gift on its own.”

“If you are making your charitable contributions at the end of the year or are looking for a charity to give a gift in someone’s name, please consider donating to United Way,” Ericson added.  “We know Washington County is a generous community. We hope individuals and businesses will give – and even consider giving a little more.”

There is still time to donate and take advantage of campaign incentives including a car, gift card and dining for a year give-a-ways, and a matching grant for donations $1,200 and above. The 2021 United Way campaign ends Dec. 31, 2021.

To donate or learn more, go to www.UnitedWayofWashingtonCounty.org; call 262-338-3821; or mail P.O. Box 304, West Bend WI, 53095.

About United Way of Washington County

United Way of Washington County is a volunteer-driven organization that provides resources and solutions for health and human service needs in communities throughout Washington County, Wisconsin. With a focus on Education, Financial Stability, and Health, United Way’s mission is to improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways.

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