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United Way of Washington County helps local agencies with relief fund | By Kristin Brandner

Washington Co., WI – As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread throughout the United States and the world, United Way of Washington County’s Relief Fund has begun to help local agencies deal with the crisis. Awards have been granted to date to the following local nonprofit organizations:

United Way

Family Promise of Washington County – The agency was awarded dollars to serve the homeless population and to be able to divert people who are at immediate risk of being homeless. The homeless population needs to be included as part of the emergency response as this population are already vulnerable and need to receive care. The request also addresses housing stability including food and mental or physical health.

United Way

Friends, Inc. – The agency was awarded dollars to help with staff compensation as a result of increase in staff rotation to serve their clients. In addition, funds would potentially help with vouchers for hotel stays of clients due to infection or shutdown.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County – The agency was awarded funds to focus on child safety and basic operating costs for the program. Staff are delivering packed snack packs, hygiene kits, homework supplies, donated Chromebooks to families who did not have transportation to schools without busing.


Casa Guadalupe – The agency was awarded dollars to be used to purchase nonperishable food staples to be distributed to families in need, gas cards for volunteers who will drive to clients’ homes to drop off food and basic necessities, and help provide emergency funding assistance for families who need help paying their rent in the future.


Supplies in Action – In related news, Broan helped United Way with a recent service project where they packaged snack packs and hygiene kits for those in need. These packs are helping with the immediate crisis and are in the hands of those most needed in our community. Thank you Broan for being a key community champion! Many the packs went to the Boys and Girls Club.


Horicon Bank
Horicon Bank
United Way

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