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West Bend

United Way of Washington County celebrates fundraising goal


Hats off to Tom and Pat Strachota, the chairs of the 2015 United Way fundraising campaign. The Strachotas along with United Way board president Mike Murphy unveiled the $1,400,747 grand total during a luncheon at the West Bend Mutual Prairie Center.

“This represents a 7 percent increase over the previous year,” Murphy said. “It’s a tremendous campaign and for the past few years we’ve been working to be more results driven.”

Murphy praised the community for its financial support. “It’s increased almost 29 percent in the past five years,” he said. “Under Pat and Tom’s leadership the campaign increased $94,000 over the previous year. It is the third highest increase from year to year.”

The 2015 goal was $1.3 million. It was a step up from the $1.305 million in 2014 and the $1.2 million from 2013.

Local businesses across Washington County were well represented at the banquet luncheon which included folks from DACO, Baird, The Threshold, Serigraph, R&R Insurance, and Cedar Community.

Murphy complimented his partners in the campaign, chiding Tom Strachota for “being a stickler.” He noted, Pat was a good balance and “was a little softer” in her approach.

“Tom provided great feedback and together the Strachotas helped us reach a new level,” he said.

The Strachotas and Murphy were presented with plaques for their effort. Humbly the Strachotas offered a simple “thank you.”

Murphy said the belief in the United Way was about efforting change. “We can not continue to just fund the need but we need to try to make lasting change,” he said. “Help make the recipients more independent and self sufficient.”


The other big winners on the day were James Butzlaff who walked away with a new Toyota Corolla, courtesy Legendary Whitetails and Russ Darrow Group, and Kim Lefeber won the 42-inch flat screen TV donated by Kettle Moraine Appliance.

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