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West Bend

United Way celebrates a successful campaign driven by a united community

West Bend, WI – United Way of Washington County is proud to announce the successful conclusion of its annual campaign, with a record-breaking $1,902,252 raised to support local programs and initiatives.

The 2024 campaign brought together generous individuals, corporate partners, and community organizations from throughout the county to make a meaningful impact.

United Way

“We are incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed to this campaign,” said Amanda Novotny, campaign co-chair. “From the hard work of our volunteers to the generosity of our donors, we are humbled by the community’s commitment to improving lives. These funds will directly support programs and initiatives that will help local individuals and strengthen families.”

“The success of the campaign shows how strong our community is when we come together with a shared purpose,” said Joe Pichler, campaign co-chair. “Together, we are making a difference and extend our deepest gratitude to all who have contributed to the 2024 campaign.”


United Way’s work would not be possible without the continued support of donors and partners. A special thanks goes to Leaderboard achievers, with a giving total of $10,000 or more. These organizations are the cornerstone of the campaign.

Click HERE for a list of United Way Leaderboard Achievers

Individual and leadership gifts of $1,200 or more have been the primary driver of growth in the campaign. A special gift was celebrated in honor of Betty Nelson, a beloved philanthropist who passed away last year, and her late husband Cliff. Siblings united to pay honor and pay it forward with a legacy gift.

“As you probably know, Cliff and Betty, as they were known to so many, lived a rewarding life in West Bend,” said son Jim Nelson. “As I’ve reflected upon their life, their generation endured the profound experience of living through the Great Depression and World War II. It can’t be denied families must have had an insecurity of “what’s to come?” I think Mom, Dad, and their contemporaries were so ready to get settled into better times and this came to fruition in West Bend.”

The Nelson’s and others as part of this generation founded so many of our local nonprofit organizations and have left such a lasting impact past, present and future.

The campaign’s success is a testament to the unwavering commitment of local businesses, volunteers, and donors. The campaign will fund vital services in 2025 in the areas of education, financial stability, and health. In addition, funding is available for key initiatives; Mental Health/Counseling for Youth, 2-1-1 Helpline, Hartford Resource Center and Imagination Library.

To learn more about United Way’s impact or to get involved with future campaigns, visit UnitedWayofWashingtonCounty.org 

About United Way of Washington County

United Way’s mission is to improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways. United Way is a volunteer-driven organization that serves communities in Washington County. It is governed by a board of volunteers, dedicated to providing funding and community resources for health and human services needs in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health.

An alumni team from United Way’s Emerging Leaders group chaired the 2024 campaign:

* Brigette David, Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast
* Dominic Ladd, West Bend Insurance Company
* Amanda Novotny, West Bend Insurance Company
* Joe Pichler, The Threshold

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