43.6 F
West Bend

Tyler Wood named Assistant Principal for West Bend East High School


May 19, 2017 – West Bend, WI – The West Bend School District named Tyler Wood as assistant principal of West Bend East High School.

Wood has served as interim assistant principal for West Bend East High School since October 2016.

Employed by the West Bend School District since 2007, Wood served as an educator at Badger Middle School prior to his current administrative position.

He is a member of the District’s Science/Math Goal Team, a member of the 7-12 Science Curriculum Team, and oversees the 8th grade transition programs.

“I’m excited and honored to be selected as assistant principal at West Bend High Schools. My focus next year is to be in the classrooms working collaboratively with the staff to ensure the success of all students. I am looking forward to the opportunity to continue working with the students, staff, and families of the West Bend School District, and build long-lasting relationships throughout the community,” said Wood.

“Tyler’s demonstrated leadership as West Bend East’s interim assistant principal has been invaluable, and we are thrilled to have him continue serving our District in this permanent capacity.” said Erik Olson, Superintendent of Schools for the West Bend School District.

Wood will begin his new role July 1, pending Board approval May 22.


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