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Two people killed following accident on I41 | By Deputy Ryan Herman

August 7, 2019 – Washington Co., WI – Two people were killed following an accident Tuesday, August 6, 2019, in Washington County.

At approximately 9:50 p.m. the Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to a motor vehicle crash on I-41 N/B between Hwy 60 and Hwy 144 in the Town of Polk.

Deputies arrived shortly after being notified and located a one vehicle crash approximately one mile north of Hwy 60.

Two occupants of the vehicle were observed lying on I-41, one in traffic and one in the ditch. Life saving measures began immediately, continuing as secondary deputies and medical personnel from Slinger Fire and Lifestar Ambulance arrived.

Transport assistance from Flight for Life was requested for both occupants, however one occupant was pronounced deceased on scene while the second was flown to Froedtert Medical Center.

Once there, the transported occupant was pronounced deceased.

Crash investigation is ongoing by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and their crash reconstruction team, however it appears both occupants were ejected from the vehicle after making contact with a guardrail on the east side of I-41.

For an unknown reason, the vehicle first entered the median, prior to crossing both lanes of traffic and into the guardrail. Occupants of the Ford Mustang were not wearing seatbelts.

I-41 N/B was closed for approximately four hours. Names will be released at a later time.

These were the seventh and eighth fatalities this year in Washington County.

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