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Two drug overdoses while motorists were behind the wheel in moving vehicles in Washington County

March 13, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – The Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to two drug overdose incidents in moving vehicles over the weekend:

The first occurred Friday evening March, 10 at 9:02 p.m. when a subject was called in as driving erratic northbound on I41. A patrol deputy stopped the driver, a 35-year-old Fond du Lac woman, near County Highway K and observed the passenger was experiencing a medical emergency.

The deputy quickly determined the passenger, a 60-year-old Rubicon man, was in the midst of an overdose.

He was unconscious and had swallow/weak breathing. Rescue was paged and the deputy administered a dose of Narcan – Naloxone Nasal Spray – to reverse the opioid overdose. A second dose of the drug was administered when rescue arrived.

The subject was transported to Hartford AMC where he regained consciousness and admitted to snorting heroin in Milwaukee. The driver was arrested for OWI first offense as she also admitted to using heroin.

Assorted paraphernalia was also recovered from within the vehicle after the arrest.

The second incident occurred early Sunday morning (3/12) at 1:10 a.m. when another overdose was reported in a moving vehicle northbound on I41 in the Village of Germantown. The victim, a 28-year-old City of Waupun man, was unconscious and demonstrating agonal breathing.

The driver was directed off the highway were a deputy met them in a commercial parking lot in the area of I41 and Holy Hill Rd. at 1:13 a.m. CPR was started and between our deputy and officers from the Germantown Police Department 3 doses of Narcan were delivered.

By 1:19:50 the on scene deputy reported the victim was alert and conscious. The investigation was subsequently turned over the Germantown Police.

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