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Turkey fryer fire demonstration at Allenton Open House

October 12, 2019 – Allenton, WI – As part of the St. Lawrence Fire Company and Allenton Fire Department Open House and Pancake Breakfast there will be a demonstration of the Turkey Fry fire.  

Turkey fry fire

This demonstration will happen at 11 a.m. at the rear of the Allenton Fire Station [431 Railroad Street].

According to U. S. Fire Administration most Turkey Fryers occur at Thanksgiving time.  

Following is as list of safety steps to follow when you use a Turkey Fryer—

Use turkey fryers outside on a sturdy, level surface away from any building overhangs;
There should be a “3-foot kid- and pet-free zone around the fryer;
Be careful not overfill the cooking pot so as to have no over spill when the turkey is placed inside;
Be sure the turkey is completely thawed, as a partially frozen turkey will cause the hot oil to splatter;
Continuously check the temperature of the oil so as to not overheat and causing the oil to burn;
Use long cooking gloves to protect your hands and arms when are moving a lid, the pot and the handles.  These become very hot and can cause burn injuries.

Putting too much oil in the fryer or dropping in a frozen or partially thawed turkey lead to most turkey fryer fires.

According to a SERVPRO posting, “… last year, fire departments across the country respond to 1,000 fires a year in which a deep fryer is involved. The National Fire Protection Association [NFPA] says that deep fryers cause an average of five deaths, 60 injuries and more that $15 million in property damage each year.

Allenton fire officials advise if a fryer starts on fire, DO NOT use water to put out the fire.

 Grease fires will spread and splash when water is applied.  The best fire extinguisher to use would be a Class K, however a Class BC or ABC will work, just not as efficiently.  

Fire officials remind us to call 9-1-1- immediately so the professionals can respond and assist with the extinguishment of the fire.  It is important to evacuate everyone to a safe area until the scene is safe.Allenton fire department breakfast

Allenton Fire Department Deputy Chief Mark Steger reminds us that on Sunday from 8 am to 12 noon there will be a great pancake breakfast, featuring Gehring Meat Market’s breakfast sausages.  

Also during the morning there will be a number of activities for adults and kids to participate in.  At 9:30, the two fire departments will do simulated vehicle response extrication with Flight for Life arriving at 10 a.m.

Tickets for the pancake breakfast are available at Romie’s BP, Zuern Building Products, Farmers Feed and Grain in Allenton or any Allenton or St. Lawrence firefighters.


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