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Travel trailer total loss; $40K damage to home in Village of Richfield | by Washington County Sheriff’s Office

July 2, 2019 – Village of Richfield, WI – On June 29, 2019, at 6:45 a.m., the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a Holiday Rambler travel trailer which was on fire in a driveway in the 3400 block of Maple Drive in the Village of Richfield. The fire was reported by a subdivision resident who had been out walking and then tried to wake the occupants of the residence.

Deputies from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded and upon arrival of the first deputy, the travel trailer was fully engulfed and the residence was starting on fire. Members of the Richfield Fire Department arrived on scene and were able to quickly bring the fire under control, preventing the further spread of the fire to the residence and neighboring properties. Traffic on Maple Drive was closed for approximately 1.5 hours to assist in firefighting efforts.

Area residents reported seeing flames in the area of the battery compartment of the travel trailer which was being charged at the time by the owner. There were no injuries to the homeowner or any personnel on scene as a result of the fire. The residence sustained minor damage due to the fire, smoke, and water. Preliminary damage estimates for the residence are around $40,000; the camper was a total loss.

Photo courtesy: Washington County Sheriff’s Office


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