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VIDEO | Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s – Racing the train in Kansas

Newton, KS – I’m on my annual pedal – The Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s. This year the tour is Wichita, Kansas to Wisconsin. What do you do on a bicycling adventure in a very flat Kansas? Why race the train of course. I left Newton, KS when the train first crossed my path and as I wound my way through town and picked up Old Hwy 81, I saw it again.


Dominating the race… bike vs. train on Old Hwy 81 in Kansas

A double yellow engine, a couple of box cars and some round liquid container cars.

I didn’t think too much of it until I wondered if I had the speed and stamina to catch it.

I was pedaling about 12 – 15 mph and carried about 55 pounds of gear. The roads were flat with good shoulders. I fought a modest headwind and there were spotty showers but not too much of a hinder.

I buckled down and slowly passed one train car… then another… and another. I could see the…. Click HEREto read the rest of the story at thebikewriter.com

Follow along with Judy Steffes on the Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s Tour Kansas 2024; don’t miss out on the adventure.

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