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Town of Erin Group files Notice of Intent to Sue vs. Washington Co. regarding proposed wetland development

February 3, 2023 – Town of Erin, Wi – Neighbors in the Town of Erin have spoken out aggressively against a proposal by Washington County to put a concrete slab with a trailer on a wetland at the intersection of CTH K and CTH E to potentially house a violent sex offender.

E and K Erin

During a meeting January 20, 2023 following more than an hour-and-a-half of public outcry against the proposal the County Land Use & Planning Committee voted 3-2 to move forward with the rezoning proposal. Those voting in favor of the rezoning were supervisors Carroll Merry, Brian Gallitz, and Ken Mikulec.  Those against were supervisors Jim Burg and Joseph Vespalec.

On January 30, 2023 a Notice of Claim was filed against Washington County and on January 31, 2023 a Notice of Intent to Sue was filed by attorney Donald Gallo along with 15 citizens in the Town of Erin. The suit was against Washington County and included the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

According to Gallo:

“Washington County wants to redefine and fill in the wetlands on the northwest corner of Hwys. K and E in the town of Erin to accommodate placement of recently released violent sex offenders. This redefinition includes a violation of the federal Clean Water Act and violates state and local ordinances. A local group has formed to oppose this action.

  • The Washington County Land Use and Planning Committee approved the DNR’s recommendation, sending it to the county board for approval on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 5:30 p.m. This is a public meeting.
  • The Erin Landowners Group retained Attorney Donald Gallo, also an Erin resident, to oppose this action. On Jan. 30, Gallo filed a Notice of Claim and Intent to Sue with Washington County, the WI DNR and the US EPA.
  • Should the county board approve this action, it will likely go to the town of Erin for zoning approvals.”

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Below is a portion of the language in the Notice of Intent to Sue:

Click HERE to read the entire claim in the suit vs. Washington County

The Town of Erin citizen group published a list of instructions on how taxpayers in the area can proactively join in their efforts, including a list of Washington County Supervisors contact information and how it appears they are voting on the issue.


Dairy Queen Cake

The Washington County Board meets Wednesday, February 8, 2023, and will review the proposed rezoning ordinance for CTH K and CTH E.

The Wednesday, February 8, 2023 meeting begins at 6:00 PM at the Herbert J. Tennies Government Center – Room 1019, 432 E. Washington Street, West Bend, WI 53095.

The meeting is open to the public.

Click HERE to read about Eric J. Dahl who has been deemed

a ‘violent sex offender’

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