33.4 F
West Bend

Bob’s Main Street Auto & Towing in West Bend salutes farmers | By Ashley Pallin

West Bend, WI – Bob’s Main Street Auto and Towing in West Bend, WI has rolled out its newest addition to its tow truck fleet. Thank you, farmers.


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After watching all the hard work and long hours put into farming, they deserve appreciation.

From small jobs to big jobs, they are supplying food for everyone in the community.

If you see a farmer stop and say thank you. It’s their busy time getting ready for winter. Thank you, farmers.

We greatly appreciate you more than ever. If you see our truck out and about, snap a picture. We love to see them.

#bobsmainstauto #bobsmainstreetauto #westbendwi #WestBend #towtruckdriver #towinglife #towing #farmlife #farmers #thankyoufarmers #fallharvest


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