44.2 F
West Bend

Tough night for WB West volleyball


West Bend West girls volleyball team played at Oconomowoc Tuesday and learned why the Raccoons are ranked first in the Wisconsin Little Ten Conference.

Oconomowoc downed the Spartans 3-0.

In the first match, the Spartans lost 25-12. The Raccoons came out of the gates strong, taking and early lead.

The second match, the Spartans lost 25-14. It was a low spirited, but hard-fought match, but in the end Oconomowoc defended its lead.

West lost the last game 25-14. The Spartans were able to retrieve many of their blocked serves, always ready to return the ball under any circumstances.


Oconomowoc brought out a very tall and experienced graduating senior class. The Raccoons were always at the net ready to block West’s spikes.

Seven seniors will be graduating from the Oconomowoc team this year, four of them are starters.

Oconomowoc only has three losses this season. The Raccoons are also ranked second in the state.

The last time West took on Oconomowoc was in the triple duel where they gave them a run for their money only losing 3-2.

West Bend West Spartans travel to Slinger next week Tuesday.

Story and photos courtesy Max Rettler.

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