43.6 F
West Bend

Tough home opener for UWM-Washington County soccer | By Mitchell Bury


Sept. 13, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – UWM – Washington County soccer opened its Wisconsin Collegiate Conference play this season with a home game against Fond du Lac.

It was a rough start for the Wildcats as they trailed 5-0 at halftime. After shaking off the first-game jitters, they played a much better second half.

Despite giving up one more goal, the Wildcats managed to get one themselves. The final score was 1-6.

Matt Schuppie scored the only goal off an assist from Ryan McCartny. Goalkeeper Tommy Hess had 13 saves.

The Wildcats next match is Saturday, Sept. 15 at Marathon in Wausau, WI.


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