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Three people arrested following chase Friday in Slinger


Jan. 16, 2018 – Slinger, WI – Social media lit up over the weekend as neighbors tried to follow an incident on I41 and Highway K. According to the Washington County Sheriff the police in Slinger tried to pull a vehicle over just after 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12.

The vehicle fled and the officer gave pursuit. State Patrol got involved along with Washington County Sheriffs. The vehicle eventually went into a ditch along I41 and K. Two of the passengers were taken into custody and the driver fled.

The driver made it to Angelo’s Pizzeria on Kettle Moraine Drive in Slinger. Authorities eventually caught up to the man and took him into custody for a drunk driving violation and eluding authorities.

The man is 21 years old and from Milwaukee.

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