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West Bend

There’s a smarty-pants at the West Bend High Schools

January 28, 2022 – West Bend, WI – There’s a smarty-pants at West Bend West High School as junior Zachary Koenigs, 17, has scored a perfect 36 on his ACT standardized college admissions test.


Koenigs carries a 4.0 Grade Point Average. He said he didn’t expect to get a perfect score and admits it was really incredible.

“I prepped for a few hours beforehand and took a couple practice exams,” he said.

As far as a strategy, Koenigs said the test is broken up into four passages.

“Some of them I finished pretty early. But even after finishing I always look over my answers and make sure everything’s right.”

“The hardest ACT segment was the writing conventions,” said Koenigs.  “But I was able to learn the rules pretty quickly and that ended up being pretty easy.”

Koenigs normal high school class schedule includes Advance Placement Physics, mechanics, AP Chemistry, AP Literature. AP Calculus, and AP Psychology. After high school he has his heart set on MIT, but UW-Madison is also on the table. 

“The number one thing I want to do is mechanical or aerospace engineering, I think that’d be really cool,” he said. 

The exam is made up of four parts including English language, reading, math, and science.

To put the top-notch score into perspective:

Click HERE and take an ACT sample test in math

If math isn’t your bailiwick… how about a sample ACT English test… click HERE

How about reading… how hard can it be.  Click HERE for an ACT sample test in reading.

Sweet baby Jesus… Would you like to know why you didn’t do science? Click HERE for a sample ACT test.

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