37.6 F
West Bend

Summer Bier Garten at Regner Park is June 14-15

Bier Garten at Regner Park

West Bend, WI – Some big events are ahead this summer presented by West Bend Friends of Park and Rec.

Save the dates for the fabulous Bier Garten, June 14 and 15 with entertainment by Eric Diamond and Maple Road.

There will be “no cover charge” and Lakefront Brewery will be giving out free samples from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. both nights.

Regner Fest, a full day of family activities, is set for Saturday, July 13 and the River City Blaskapelle and Good Time Dutchmen will perform at German Night on July 17.

Mark your calendar and come join the fun!




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