35.2 F
West Bend

The press box is coming to Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field on Friday, May 28, 2021

West Bend, WI – Mark your calendar for Friday, May 28, 2021 as the Horicon Bank press box will be lifted into place atop the new grandstand at Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field at Regner Park in West Bend.

press box, Carl Kuss

This week the construction crew led by Tim Windorf set the support beams in place, topped them off with a series of horizontal I-beams and today the seating and stairs are being assembled.

stairs Carl Kuss

Horicon Bank

The press box will be arriving Friday morning from Green Bay. “It should be here at 11 a.m.,” said Windorf.

J.W. Industries of Green Bay has designed press boxes at football fields and high school stadiums across Wisconsin. The above photo is the grandstand from Whitnall High School.

“We’re really looking forward to this and the press box will really make this start looking like a baseball field again,” said Craig Larsen, president of the West Bend Baseball Association. “This will be the first completed and hopefully it will be around as long as the previous one was.”

Washington County Insider will be livestreaming on Facebook the arrival and placement of the press box. Watch for comments from officials of Horicon Bank and the WBBA as well as former players.

The West Bend Baseball Association is still raising money for the project. “This is a $2.1 million project and we still need to raise about $300,000,” said Willie Mueller. “We’re really thankful to the people who have donated so far but we need a bit more so we can finish it off and hit it outta the park.” (sorry – not sorry. baseball analogy intentional)

Click HERE to make a donation or for traditional mail by USPS:
West Bend Baseball Association
PO Box 575
West Bend, WI 53095

Horicon Bank

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