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West Bend

Security upgrades ahead for The Inferno in West Bend

April 6, 2021 – West Bend, Wi – Following a series of disturbances in downtown West Bend the owner of The Inferno, 140 N. Main Street is working to implement changes. “We made some security improvements and we are remodeling to give the bar a high-end club vibe,” said Jeremy Hahn, owner of The Inferno.


Hahn received a summons March 26, 2021. It was from West Bend Police Chief Ken Meuler who wanted to address 13 incidents that occurred, mostly on weekends, at the downtown Main Street establishment.

“We had security in place, we tried to keep jobs in the community and hire local but we found out that doesn’t work too well,” Hahn said.

“I met with the chief and we reached an agreement. I will close the Inferno for 30 days to remodel and make improvements to security.”

Hahn said once The Inferno reopens on May 5 there will be professional security on site. “We will also close 20 minutes earlier on the weekend so not all the bars downtown are letting out at the same time,” he said.

complaint, Inferno

One note: Hahn and his teams at The Inferno, Garden Lounge, and The Boardroom have been working since they opened to support a variety of charitable causes in the community. During Monday’s council meeting Hahn distributed paperwork to the alderman outlining their donations from this past year including events to collect winter coats for kids, money for a fellow downtown shop owner as she worked to pay for her husband’s funeral, and Hahn has donated to the Full Shelf Food Pantry.


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