26 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Trump-Vance and other best choices for Nov. 5th election | By Jodi Williams

October 29, 2024 – West Bend, Wi – On November 5th, we have what may be our very last chance to save our blessed, free, and exceptional Constitutional Republic (NOT “democracy,” as many from the Extreme Radical Left falsely claim; PROOF: in our Pledge of Allegiance, we state, “… and to the Republic for which it stands” – NOT “democracy,” and yes the difference truly matters).

Letter to the Nov

President Trump is our last and best hope for saving our Constitution, We the People, our USA, our rights and freedoms, and our communities. During the four President Trump years (Jan. 2017 – Jan. 2021), our nation absolutely thrived! Our freedoms were at a maximum. Our federal government was not weaponized against us, as it is now (e.g., Dept. of “Justice,” DHS, FBI, Secret Service, DHHS, CDC, FDA, etc.).

Under President Trump, border crossings by illegal alien invaders who feloniously entered our nation was a tiny, tiny fraction of the 10,000,000 – 22,000,000 (depending on what source you use) illegal alien invaders who have crashed our border since Biden and Harris were installed. Almost all of these millions of illegals were never vetted, and it has been shown that tens of thousands are criminals, child sex and/or drug traffickers, weapons “mules,” just-released prisoners, and so on. Many are here from such hostile nations as Communist China (CCP), Russia, Vietnam, and Iran. We cannot assume that many thousands are not here to do us Americans harm.

With President Trump in office, inflation averaged a very manageable 1.9 percent per year, including the PLANNED-demic year of 2020. Gas prices averaged $1.89 per gallon nationwide. Interest rates were low, and families could afford to buy homes. The U.S. was 100% energy-independent and a net exporter of energy. Unemployment was low. Life was very good!

By stark and cruel contrast, things have been completely horrible under Biden-Harris. Inflation has risen 23% during their ill-gotten tenure. Interest rates are several times what they were under President Trump, and that – combined with the worst inflation in over 40 years – has made buying a home unaffordable for most families. Unemployment is on the rise. The economy is terrible and getting worse.

Further, Biden-Harris has engaged in dangerously reckless federal spending. Harris cast the deciding vote on the falsely-named “Inflation Reduction Act,” as Harris rushed to force this terrible bill through Congress before the Congressional Budget Office could issue its truthful report that such debt-raising spending would make inflation skyrocket, and that is exactly what happened.

We are also much less safe under Biden-Harris. The “Justice” Dept. – doing its best to unfairly and partisanly prop up Biden-Harris – issued falsely low violent crime statistics for the last year before very recently and quietly revising them upward significantly. They show President Trump was right yet again – violence and major crimes have risen terribly under Biden-Harris.

Every other major aspect of our lives is worse under Biden-Harris. They have been an absolute train wreck for our nation, such as allowing two new major wars to start (Ukraine, Israel-Hamas), because both Biden and Harris are so weak and have Woke-Leftist indoctrinated our military instead of leading their readiness to defend us.

Now Kamala Harris, who has only done very bad things to us and our USA Republic, wants four more years to finish destroying our nation! Enough is enough. I am proudly voting for President Trump and Senator J.D. Vance on Nov. 5th, and I ask all of you to please join me.

While I’m at it, I am writing in Sue True for Washington County Clerk, who will do a wonderful job for us. Her opponent has been in office 8 years, and that is long enough. We don’t need any more career politicians.

I am also voting YES on the statewide referendum to allow only U.S. citizens to vote in our elections.

I am voting NO on the irresponsible, undeserved, overpriced, unnecessary, and unjustifiable $165,000,000 (including interest) West Bend schools referendum. That district is losing students, lowering quality, and recklessly overspending. Please join me in these votes, as well.


Jodi Williams

West Bend, WI


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