42.9 F
West Bend

VIDEO | The chicks are in at West Bend Elevator

April 2, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Just in time for Easter the chicks are in at West Bend Elevator, 3434 County D, West Bend.

”The chicks are in and they’re selling like hot cakes,” said Dana at West Bend Elevator.

The chicks are yellow, black, and orange and if you get the ones with the colorful heads then the eggs will be multicolored (true fact).

There were 30 mallards and 100 chickens. “The ducks are already gone; they’re the hot commodity until people realize they’re extremely messy and then nobody wants to do it again,” said Dana.

The weather is still a bit cool and West Bend Elevator recommends a heat lamp.

This is the only shipment of the chicks. If they sell out a custom order will be taken as the season moves forward.



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