54.1 F
West Bend

The BiKeWriTer | VIDEO | Photo Gallery | Metal menagerie on Cedarburg Road

June 29, 2022 – There’s a garden of metal art off of Bradley Road and Cedarburg Road just to the east of the Oakleaf Trail and the artist is phenomenal.  There’s a barnyard feel combined with a flair of museum mixed with menagerie.

If the way that somebody lives pleases the Lord, the Lord will lead him into good things. Psalm 37:23 Easy English Bible

The 2022 Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s is raising money this year for music programming for seniors at Cedar Community, a 501c3, so all donations are tax-deductible.

Donate via the secure website through Cedar Community.  Donations should be marked “Amazing Ride 2021.” Click HERE to make a secure online donation.

Checks may be made payable to “Cedar Community” with “Judy Bike Ride” in the memo line and mailed to 113 Cedar Ridge Dr., West Bend, WI 53095

Be sure to include the Federal Tax ID Number for the Foundation: 39-1249432

You may also find a downloadable donation form HERE.

Cedar Community is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible.

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