51.2 F
West Bend

Temporary water shutoff Tuesday, July 19, 2022 in Village of Slinger

July 19, 2022 – Slinger, WI – Neighbors in the Farmstead Creek subdivision in the Village of Slinger will be without water for a short window of time today, Tuesday, July 19, 2022 as construction crews work on infrastructure.
water outage
Notice sent to neighbors in subdivision about water shutoff

Slinger Village Administrator Margaret Wilber said, “This is a very temporary service disruption in the Farmstead Creek subdivision that is necessary for the connection of infrastructure going in at the new park and well facility to the east of this neighborhood.  People were notified about this on Friday to give them time to make preparations.  We don’t expect that they’ll need the entire time listed but estimated as conservatively as possible just in case.”

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Some neighbors indicated the timing wasn’t the best considering the hot temperatures and Wilber said, “It is unfortunate this is happening under such hot conditions but trying to wait for the ideal weather could cause big delays in the project that would have other negative consequences.  We should have had this on the Village website, and I apologize for that oversight, but the contractor has informed us that the affected homes received notices.”

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