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Teens arrested in Washington County for stolen vehicle



Marh 8, 2018 – Washington Co., WI- Two Washington County Sheriff’s deputies were returning from a prisoner escort early this morning at 12:20 a.m. when a vehicle swerved into their lane on I41 near CTH K in the Town of Addison. As deputies are a curious bunch, they checked the plate and determined the vehicle was stolen from Menasha several days prior.

With the assistance of Slinger Police Department, a high-risk traffic stop was done on the vehicle that was occupied by five individuals. I41 was closed for about ten minutes as all the occupants were taken into custody. The driver, a 16-year-old male from Menasha, knew the vehicle was stolen and was arrested for operation without owner’s consent. One of the passengers, a 17-year-old Green Bay male, was also arrested. He was the individual that stole the vehicle to begin with. The three other passengers, ranging in ages from 16 to 18, were released.

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