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West Bend

Teen in custody following bomb threat at West Bend High Schools | By West Bend Police

September 9, WI – West Bend, WI – On Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at approximately 9:50 p.m., students from the West Bend High Schools reported a suspicious Snapchat message to the West Bend Police Department.

The message stated “Don’t come to school tomorrow” and included a bomb emoji. West Bend Police began an investigation and alerted the school district shortly after 10:30pm.

Police have worked throughout the night to determine who perpetrated the social media threat. In the early morning hours of September 9, 2020, West Bend officer identified a 16-year-old male who created the message and posted it publicly. At 4:30 a.m., West Bend officers took the 16-year-old into custody for Terrorist Threat, Bomb Threat, and Disorderly Conduct. The 16-year-old denied placing any explosive device at the school, or having any intent of placing one. Police will be referring the matter to Washington County juvenile authorities.

The building was checked by both staff and West Bend Police Officers. No devices were found. We will still have an added police presence at the High Schools today.

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