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UPDATE | Tactical situation in Fond Du Lac County | By Sheriff Ryan F. Waldschmidt

August 1, 2022 – Fond Du Lac County, Wi – UPDATE | The tactical situation on Niagara Lane has been resolved, and the suspect has been located on the property deceased from what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
No other citizens, law enforcement, or other first responders were injured in this situation, and no law enforcement force was used. The shelter in place recommendation for the subdivision and nearby businesses has been lifted, and CTH UU has reopened to traffic. Detectives and other law enforcement personnel will remain on the scene to continue this investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident.
We would like to thank all responding agencies for their assistance, Mercury Marine for the use of their facility and parking lot for command post and other emergency responder staging, and our citizens for their patience while we worked to safely resolve this potentially dangerous situation.
No further information can be released at this time, as the investigation remains under investigation by the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff Ryan F. Waldschmidt
On Monday, August 1, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., deputies from the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office responded to a private residence on Niagara Lane in the town of Taycheedah for a domestic dispute/tactical situation.
During the dispute, an adult male armed himself with a firearm, and the female was able to flee the property unharmed. When deputies arrived, they heard what sounded like a gunshot come from the area of the residence, however that has not been positively confirmed.
The Sheriff’s Office SWAT and Negotiation Teams are engaged in an active tactical situation in an attempt to peacefully resolve the situation. The Sheriff’s Office is being assisted by the Fond du Lac Police Department, Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue, Mt. Calvary Ambulance, Wisconsin State Patrol, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Tactical, drone, and K9 teams, among other specialized units, are working to resolve the situation.
Residents in the vicinity of the incident have been notified and asked to shelter in place. The public is asked to avoid the area and not attempt to proceed around any closed roadways. Further information will be released when available.
Sheriff Ryan F. Waldschmidt

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