51.6 F
West Bend

Supermoto Charity Race benefiting “Chix 4 a Cause”

Saturday, August 29 – Supermoto Charity Race benefiting “Chix 4 a Cause.” Chix 4 a Cause LTD exists to share Gifts of Love with people who are fighting cancer to help them get through tough times.

Practice is from noon to 1:30 p.m. on the day of the race, which runs from 2-4 p.m.

Spectators are only $5.

For more information, contact Scott 262-689-0809 or email scottschneiberg297@gmail.com

The law firm of Hupy and Abraham support motorcycle safety and Chix 4 a Cause. Personal injury attorneys Hupy and Abraham know what you’re dealing with after being involved in an accident. Whether you’ve been hurt in a Milwaukee car crash or Illinois motorcycle accident, you are facing some serious challenges and Hupy and Abraham are here to help.

More information is at http://www.hupy.com/


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