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West Bend

Fifth Annual Sunflower Challenge in Washington County; submit your photos today

Washington Co., WI – It’s that time of year when sunflowers are in full glory and there were a lot of submissions as neighbors across Washington County showed off their sunflowers.

Submit YOUR sunflower photos to washcoinsider@gmail.com today!

Here are a few of our first submissions for 2021:

Sunflower by Sharon Mead

Sharon Mead of West Bend captured this field of brilliant sunflowers while at Kelly’s Country Creamery.

Photo credit: Molly Warner

Photo credit: Darlyn Dalton
Photo credit: Molly Warner

Below are some submissions from 2020.

Michael Owen of Newburg has Sunflowers! Some towering a whopping 12FT 10.5 Inches!
Sunflower by Michael Owen


Valerie Brown O’Loughlin from Dundee managed to capture her son, proud with his wee sunflower and plastic duck in hand.
Lynn Bores-Dorn of Kewaskum has sunflowers over 12-feet tall
Debbie Kaercher Moser
Debbie Kaercher Moser of Newburg


Joe Kaehny of Kewaskum captures a shy sunflower


Terry Delcore measured over 13 feet.

Ah! Sunflower

William Blake1757 – 1827

Ah! sunflower, weary of time,
Who countest the steps of the sun,
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the traveller’s journey is done;

Where the youth pined away with desire,
And the pale virgin shrouded in snow,
Arise from their graves and aspire;
Where my sunflower wishes to go.

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