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8-point monster buck taken by Mike Otten during successful bow hunt in Washington County, WI

Washington Co., WI – The bow season is underway and hunters from across Washington County are taking home some monster bucks including Mike Otten from Kewaskum, WI.
Monster 8-point buck by Mike Otten from Kewaskum, WI

Otten will have enough venison to last through the winter as he took down this 8-point, 180-pound buck during bow hunting season.

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“I spotted him Saturday afternoon while in the tree stand,” said Otten. “He was doing some grunting and trying to pursue a doe. I had been in the stand about three hours and watched him for 10 minutes until he wandered close.”

Otten’s shot was about 15 yards.  “I got him through his lungs and heart,” said Otten. “It was a clean shot.”

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The buck walked into the brush and Otten found him within 100 yards of his tree stand.

“This is my nicest archery buck to date,” Otten said. “He’s about 4 to 5 years old and has a 19-inch inside spread.”

Opening day for the gun-deer season is November 18, 2023

If you’ve had a successful hunt and want to share your monster/trophy buck photos and story, please send to judy@washingtoncountyinsider.com

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced the 2023 combined Wisconsin Hunting Regulations pamphlet is now available online and will soon be available at license agents and open service centers around the state.

The combined regulations pamphlet brings season dates, shooting hours, and regulations together in one convenient document.

For more information on hunting in Wisconsin, CLICK HERE

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