26 F
West Bend

Subway in Allenton slashes prices on “Subway to GO” meals | By Amanda Frey

Allenton, WI – Subway in Allenton, 751 Church Street, is lowering prices of “Subway to Go” meals from $6.99 to $5 on all orders of 8 boxes or more.

This lowered price will stay until the “Stay at Home Safe” is lifted.

Subway in Allenton

Local Subway owner Amanda Frey said, “Everyone can use a break during this time from front line workers, people out of work, people at work, people taking care of little ones, people taking care of elderly ones, and everyone in between. This is not a corporate covered promotion; my family and I are personally lowering this cost.”

What is a “Subway to GO” meal?  Choose any cold 6-inch sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes on any flavor bread. Throw in a bag of chips of choice and top it off with a cookie of choice. This meal is packed in a nice stackable box to go.

These are great for everyone from large groups right down to the family table.

Any order of 8 boxes or more receives this huge price cut.

Subway of Allenton will also be offering FREE DELIVERY to all orders of 25 boxes or more.

Otherwise they will be ready to pick up curbside with a smile.

Please note, since this is a personal promotion you need to call this in at 262-629-4090 as it will not be available on the Subway App.

Please give 24-hour notice on all box orders of 25 or more if possible.

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