30.4 F
West Bend

Submit your storm photos as Tornado Watch in effect in Washington County

June 15, 2022 – Washington Co., WI – The winds are kicking up and skies growing dark as the National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch as storms approach Washington County and the surrounding communities including Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, and Waukesha counties.

Below is a photo courtesy Tony Weisse from the Town of West Bend.

Storm Tony Weisse from the Town of West Bend


At 7:28 p.m. radar from the National Weather Service showed a strong line of storms stretching across southeast Wisconsin. Dodge County was under a Tornado Warning.

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Click HERE for a complete list of current watches, warnings and weather advisories in Wisconsin.

Be sure to chime in with your storm photo and be sure to include what community you’re in.

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