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Submit your photos: Is the corn “Clara High” by the 4th of July

Washington County, WI – Knee high by the Fourth of July is an old-timey saying in the farming community; an early visual that could signal a prosperous corn growing season.

These pictures of 2-1/2-year-old Clara Hafemann were submitted by her Mom, Amanda Hafeman. They were taken on the farmstead on County Road M in the Town of Jackson.


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In this submitted photo above, Clara is with her grandpa Stan Miller on the farmstead on County Road M in the town of Jackson.

Amanda Hafemann said, “This is some of the taller corn we have this year but we could all use the rain.”

Feel free to submit your child’s/children’s “knee high” corn photo to washcoinsider@gmail.com. Be sure to tell us who is in the photo and where the field/farm is located.

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